How I Would Learn To Code (If I Could Start Over)

Hussnain Fareed
2 min readApr 24, 2022

If I could go back in time and learn to code, I would do a lot of things differently. If I could start over, I’d spend more time doing practical projects rather than focusing on theory. I would also prioritize learning how to use an editor and the terminal. And above all, I’d adopt a coding mindset. Today, I’ll walk you through an entire study plan to become a coder/software engineer.

With just a laptop, internet, and intention you can literally go zero to one :)

So, if you’re looking to become a coder or software engineer, here’s a study plan to get you started:

Part 1: Your mindset

  • Adopt a coding mindset
  • Learn how to problem solve

Part 2: Learning how to code

  • Learn one programming language deeply
  • Learn scripting
  • Create a personal project
  • Practice for interviews

Part 3: Your developer environment

  • Learn the terminal
  • Learn your way around an editor
  • Learn git and become familiar with version control



Hussnain Fareed

A Software Engineer & Occasional Traveler. Often writes about Tech, Learning and Career 🍓 Lets get in touch: